Investor News
November 25, 2019
Prime Lending Rate
Periode: 30 September 2019
a. The Prime Lending Rate (SBDK) is used as the basis for determining the loan interest rates to be charged by the Bank to customers. Prime lending rate does not take into account the estimated risk premium component, the amount of which depends on the Bank's assessment of the risk of each debtor or group of debtors. Therefore, the amount of credit interest rates charged to debtors is not necessarily the same as the prime lending rate.
b. The Non-Consumable Consumer Loans do not include the provision of funds through Credit Cards and Unsecured Loans (KTA).
c. Information on the prime lending rate at any time can be seen in publications at every bank office and/or bank website.
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SEOJK 34 - Transparansi Info Bunga Kredit
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