Investor News
May 28, 2024
Subject: Plans to Organize Hybrid - Public Expose 2024
In order to comply with the Decree of the Board of Directors of the Jakarta Stock Exchange ("IDX") no. Kep-00015/BEI/01-2021 dated February 1, 2021 concerning Regulation I-E regarding Obligation to Disclose Information. PT Bank Amar Indonesia Tbk. (“Amar Bank”) submits notification of the plan to hold the Public Expose in a hybrids as follows:
Event Details:
The procedure for registering participants for the online Public Expose is as follows:
Public Expose materials can be downloaded from the Bank's website at the following link:
Thus, we convey this notification and hope this letter can be considered an invitation to interested parties.
Thank you for your attention.
Best regards,
Board of Directors
PT Bank Amar Indonesia Tbk.
Ayo unduh Amar Bank retail di marketplace yang sesuai dengan handphonemu: